LeetCode 1233. Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem in F#
Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem - LeetCode
type Trie =
{ IsTerminated: bool
Table: Map<string, Trie> }
static member Empty =
{ IsTerminated = false
Table = Map.empty }
static member Insert (dirs: string list) (trie: Trie) : Trie =
match dirs with
| [] -> { trie with IsTerminated = true }
| h :: t ->
let next = Map.tryFind h trie.Table |> Option.defaultValue Trie.Empty
{ trie with
Table = Map.add h (Trie.Insert t next) trie.Table }
static member IsSubfolder (dirs: string list) (trie: Trie) : bool =
match dirs with
| [] -> false
| h :: t ->
if trie.IsTerminated then
Trie.IsSubfolder t (Map.find h trie.Table)
let toDirectories (path: string) : string list =
path.Split('/') |> Array.filter ((<>) "") |> Array.toList
let removeSubfolders (folder: string list) : string list =
let dirsList = folder |> List.map toDirectories
let trie = dirsList |> List.fold (fun acc dirs -> Trie.Insert dirs acc) Trie.Empty
List.zip dirsList folder
|> List.filter (fun (dirs, _) -> not <| Trie.IsSubfolder dirs trie)
|> List.map snd