Course Schedule IV - LeetCode
let checkIfPrerequiste (numCourses: int) (prerequisites: (int * int) list) (queries: (int * int) list) : bool list =
let rec toGraph prerequisites acc =
match prerequisites with
| [] -> acc
| (s, e) :: t ->
let v = Map.tryFind s acc |> Option.defaultValue []
toGraph t (Map.add s (e :: v) acc)
let rec bfs q init graph visited acc =
match q with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
let visited = q |> List.fold (fun acc n -> Set.add n acc) visited
let q =
|> List.fold
(fun acc n ->
match Map.tryFind n graph with
| None -> acc
| Some v ->
let valids = v |> List.filter (fun n -> not <| Set.contains n visited)
valids @ acc)
let acc = q |> List.fold (fun acc n -> Set.add (init, n) acc) acc
bfs q init graph visited acc
let graph = toGraph prerequisites Map.empty
let isReachable =
seq { 0 .. numCourses - 1 }
|> Seq.fold
(fun acc n ->
let acc = Set.add (n, n) acc
bfs [ n ] n graph Set.empty acc)
queries |> List.map (fun q -> Set.contains q isReachable)