LeetCode 1514. Path with Maximum Probability in F#
Path with Maximum Probability - LeetCode
#r "nuget:FSharpx.Collections"
open FSharpx.Collections
let toGraph (edges: (int * int) list) (succProb: double list) : Map<int, (int * double) list> =
let rec toGraph' edges succProb acc =
match edges, succProb with
| [], [] -> acc
| _, []
| [], _ -> failwith "never reach here"
| (node1, node2) :: t1, score :: t2 ->
let acc =
match Map.tryFind node1 acc with
| Some(v) -> Map.add node1 ((node2, score) :: v) acc
| None -> Map.add node1 [ (node2, score) ] acc
let acc =
match Map.tryFind node2 acc with
| Some(v) -> Map.add node2 ((node1, score) :: v) acc
| None -> Map.add node2 [ (node1, score) ] acc
toGraph' t1 t2 acc
toGraph' edges succProb Map.empty
let maxProbability (n: int) (edges: (int * int) list) (succProb: double list) (startNode: int) (endNode: int) : double =
let rec maxProbability' (q: IPriorityQueue<int * double>) graph (maxScores: double[]) =
if PriorityQueue.isEmpty q then
let (node, currentScore), q = PriorityQueue.pop q
let nexts = Map.tryFind node graph |> Option.defaultValue []
let q =
|> List.fold
(fun acc (next, nextScore) ->
let score = currentScore * nextScore
if score > maxScores.[next] then
maxScores.[next] <- score
PriorityQueue.insert (next, nextScore) acc
maxProbability' q graph maxScores
let graph = toGraph edges succProb
let maxScores = Array.zeroCreate n
let q = PriorityQueue.empty true |> PriorityQueue.insert (0, 1.0)
maxProbability' q graph maxScores