LeetCode 1530. Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs in F#
Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs - LeetCode
type Tree =
| Leaf
| Node of int * Tree * Tree
let collectLeaves (node: Tree) : Set<int> =
let rec collectLeaves' node acc =
match node with
| Leaf -> acc
| Node(v, Leaf, Leaf) -> Set.add v acc
| Node(_, left, right) ->
let acc = collectLeaves' left acc
collectLeaves' right acc
collectLeaves' node Set.empty
let treeToGraph (node: Tree) : Map<int, int list> =
let rec treeToGraph' node prev acc =
match node with
| Leaf -> acc
| Node(v, left, right) ->
let acc =
if prev = -1 then
match Map.tryFind prev acc with
| None -> Map.add prev [ v ] acc
| Some(w) -> Map.add prev (v :: w) acc
let acc =
if prev = -1 then
match Map.tryFind v acc with
| None -> Map.add v [ prev ] acc
| Some(w) -> Map.add v (prev :: w) acc
let acc = treeToGraph' left v acc
treeToGraph' right v acc
treeToGraph' node -1 Map.empty
let countGoodLeaves (leaf: int) (distance: int) (leaves: Set<int>) (graph: Map<int, int list>) =
let rec countGoodLeaves' q leaves graph i distance visited acc =
if i > distance then
let visited = q |> List.fold (fun acc node -> Set.add node acc) visited
let nexts =
|> List.fold (fun acc next -> if Set.contains next visited then next :: acc else acc) []
let acc =
|> List.fold (fun acc node -> if Set.contains node leaves then acc + 1 else acc) 0
countGoodLeaves' nexts leaves graph (i + 1) distance visited acc
countGoodLeaves' [ leaf ] leaves graph 0 distance Set.empty 0