LeetCode 225. Implement Stack using Queues in F#
Implement Stack using Queues - LeetCode
type MyStack =
{ queue: int list }
static member empty() : MyStack = { queue = [] }
static member push (x: int) (s: MyStack) : MyStack = { s with queue = s.queue @ [ x ] }
static member pop(s: MyStack) : (int * MyStack) =
let rec pop' q acc =
match q with
| [] -> failwith "never reach here"
| h :: [] -> h, { queue = List.rev acc }
| h :: t -> pop' t (h :: acc)
pop' s.queue []
static member top(s: MyStack) : int =
let rec top' q =
match q with
| [] -> failwith "never reach here"
| h :: [] -> h
| _ :: t -> top' t
top' s.queue
static member empty(s: MyStack) : bool = List.isEmpty s.queue