LeetCode 241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses in F#
Different Ways to Add Parentheses - LeetCode
open System
let diffWaysToCompute (expression: string) : int list =
let rec diffWaysToCompute' left right =
if left = right then
[ int expression.[left] - int '0' ]
elif left + 1 = right && Char.IsDigit(expression.[left]) then
[ int expression.[left] * 10 + int expression.[right] - int '0' ]
seq { left..right }
|> Seq.fold
(fun acc i ->
if Char.IsDigit(expression.[i]) then
let lefts = diffWaysToCompute' left (i - 1)
let rights = diffWaysToCompute' (i + 1) right
let vals =
[ for v1 in lefts do
for v2 in rights do
match expression.[i] with
| '+' -> yield v1 + v2
| '-' -> yield v1 - v2
| '*' -> yield v1 * v2
| _ -> failwith "never reach here" ]
vals @ acc)
diffWaysToCompute' 0 (expression.Length - 1) |> List.sort