LeetCode 1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings in F#
Greatest Common Divisor of Strings - LeetCode
open System
let commonDivisors (n1: int) (n2: int) : int list =
let rec commonDivisors' i limit n1 n2 acc =
if i > limit then
List.rev acc
else if n1 % i = 0 && n2 % i = 0 then
commonDivisors' (i + 1) limit n1 n2 (i :: acc)
commonDivisors' (i + 1) limit n1 n2 acc
commonDivisors' 1 (Math.Min(n1, n2)) n1 n2 []
let gcdOfStrings (str1: string) (str2: string) : string =
let rec gcdOfStrings' divisors (cs1: char list) (cs2: char list) =
match divisors with
| [] -> ""
| h :: t ->
let c1 = List.take h cs1
let c2 = List.take h cs2
if c1 <> c2 then
gcdOfStrings' t cs1 cs2
let ok1 = cs1 |> List.chunkBySize h |> List.forall (fun n -> c1 = n)
let ok2 = cs2 |> List.chunkBySize h |> List.forall (fun n -> c2 = n)
if ok1 && ok2 then
c1 |> String.Concat
gcdOfStrings' t cs1 cs2
let divisors = commonDivisors str1.Length str2.Length
let cs1, cs2 = Seq.toList str1, Seq.toList str2
gcdOfStrings' (divisors |> List.rev) cs1 cs2