LeetCode 1105. Filling Bookcase Shelves in F#
Filling Bookcase Shelves - LeetCode
let minHeightShelves (books: (int * int) list) (shelfWidth: int) : int =
let rec minHeightShelves' i books remainingWidth rowHeight cache =
match books with
| [] -> failwith "never reach here"
| (width, height) :: [] ->
if width <= remainingWidth then
(max height rowHeight), cache
height, cache
| (width, height) :: t ->
match Map.tryFind (i, remainingWidth) cache with
| Some(v) -> v, cache
| None ->
let ret1, cache = minHeightShelves' (i + 1) t (shelfWidth - width) height cache
let ret1 = ret1 + rowHeight
let rowHeight = max rowHeight height
let ret2, cache =
if width <= remainingWidth then
minHeightShelves' (i + 1) t (remainingWidth - width) rowHeight cache
ret1, cache
let ret = min ret1 ret2
ret, Map.add (i, remainingWidth) ret cache
minHeightShelves' 0 books shelfWidth 0 Map.empty |> fst