LeetCode 1268. Search Suggestions System in F#
open System
type Trie =
{ table: Map<char, Trie>
candidates: Set<string> }
static member empty() : Trie =
{ table = Map.empty
candidates = Set.empty }
let insertToTrie (word: string) (trie: Trie) : Trie =
let rec insertToTrie' (cs: char list) word (trie: Trie) =
match cs with
| [] -> Trie.empty ()
| h :: t ->
let next =
match Map.tryFind h trie.table with
| None -> (Trie.empty ())
| Some (v) -> v
let trie' = insertToTrie' t word next
let trie'' =
{ trie' with candidates = Set.add word trie'.candidates }
{ trie with table = Map.add h trie'' trie.table }
insertToTrie' (word |> Seq.toList) word trie
let suggestedProducts (products: string list) (searchWord: string) : string list list =
let rec suggestedProducts' (cs: char list) (trie: Trie) acc =
match cs with
| [] -> acc |> List.rev
| h :: t ->
match Map.tryFind h trie.table with
| None -> suggestedProducts' t (Trie.empty ()) ([] :: acc)
| Some (v) ->
let len = Math.Min(3, Set.count v.candidates)
let cands =
|> Set.toList
|> List.sort
|> List.take len
suggestedProducts' t v (cands :: acc)
let trie =
|> List.fold (fun acc word -> insertToTrie word acc) (Trie.empty ())
suggestedProducts' (searchWord |> Seq.toList) trie []