LeetCode 1482. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets in F#
Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets - LeetCode
let minDays (bloomDay: int list) (m: int) (k: int) : int =
let rec canMakeBouquets v bloomDay count acc =
match bloomDay with
| [] -> acc >= m
| h :: t ->
if h <= v then
let count' = count + 1
if count' = k then
canMakeBouquets v t 0 (acc + 1)
canMakeBouquets v t count' acc
canMakeBouquets v t 0 acc
let rec minDays' left right bloomDay ret =
if left > right then
if ret = System.Int32.MaxValue then -1 else ret
let mid = left + (right - left) / 2
if canMakeBouquets mid bloomDay 0 0 then
minDays' left (mid - 1) bloomDay mid
minDays' (mid + 1) right bloomDay ret
let maxDays = List.max bloomDay
minDays' 0 maxDays bloomDay (System.Int32.MaxValue)