LeetCode 1717. Maximum Score From Removing Substrings in F#
Maximum Score From Removing Substrings - LeetCode
let maximumGain (s: string) (x: int) (y: int) : int =
let rec maximumGain' cs first second score total acc =
match cs with
| [] -> total, List.rev acc
| a :: b :: t when a = first && b = second -> maximumGain' t first second score (total + score) acc
| h :: t ->
match acc with
| [] -> maximumGain' t first second score total (h :: acc)
| a :: rest ->
if a = first && h = second then
maximumGain' t first second score (total + score) rest
maximumGain' t first second score total (h :: acc)
let cs = Seq.toList s
if x > y then
let ret1, cs' = maximumGain' cs 'a' 'b' x 0 []
let ret2, _ = maximumGain' cs' 'b' 'a' y 0 []
ret1 + ret2
let ret1, cs' = maximumGain' cs 'b' 'a' y 0 []
let ret2, _ = maximumGain' cs' 'a' 'b' x 0 []
ret1 + ret2