LeetCode 1743. Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs in F#
Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs - LeetCode
let toGraph (pairs: (int * int) list) : Map<int, int list> =
let rec toGraph' pairs acc =
match pairs with
| [] -> acc
| (n1, n2) :: t ->
let acc' =
match Map.tryFind n1 acc with
| Some(v) -> Map.add n1 (n2 :: v) acc
| None -> Map.add n1 [ n2 ] acc
let acc'' =
match Map.tryFind n2 acc' with
| Some(v) -> Map.add n2 (n1 :: v) acc'
| None -> Map.add n2 [ n1 ] acc'
toGraph' t acc''
toGraph' pairs Map.empty
let findRoot (graph: Map<int, int list>) : int =
graph |> Map.findKey (fun _ v -> List.length v = 1)
let restoreArray (adjacentPairs: (int * int) list) : int list =
let rec restoreArray' node graph visited acc =
let visited' = Set.add node visited
let acc' = node :: acc
match Map.tryFind node graph with
| None -> failwith "never reach here"
| Some(nodes) ->
match List.tryFind (fun n -> not <| Set.contains n visited) nodes with
| Some(next) -> restoreArray' next graph visited' acc'
| None -> List.rev acc'
let graph = toGraph adjacentPairs
let root = findRoot graph
restoreArray' root graph Set.empty []