Valid Parentheses - LeetCode
let isValid (s: string) : bool =
let rec isValid' cs acc =
match cs with
| [] ->
match acc with
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
| h :: t ->
match h with
| '('
| '['
| '{' -> isValid' t (h :: acc)
| ')' ->
match List.tryHead acc with
| Some(v) when v = '(' -> isValid' t (List.tail acc)
| _ -> false
| ']' ->
match List.tryHead acc with
| Some(v) when v = '[' -> isValid' t (List.tail acc)
| _ -> false
| '}' ->
match List.tryHead acc with
| Some(v) when v = '{' -> isValid' t (List.tail acc)
| _ -> false
| _ -> failwith "never reach here"
isValid' (Seq.toList s) []