LeetCode 211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure in F#
Original problem uses mutable state. However I wrote this as immutable
type Trie =
| Leaf
| TrieNode of bool * Map<char, Trie>
let addWord (word: string) (trie: Trie) : Trie =
let rec addWord' cs trie =
match cs with
| [] ->
match trie with
| Leaf -> Leaf
| TrieNode (_, table) -> TrieNode(true, table)
| c :: tail ->
match trie with
| Leaf ->
let node = addWord' tail Leaf
TrieNode(false, (Map.empty |> Map.add c node))
| TrieNode (isWord, table) ->
match Map.tryFind c table with
| None -> TrieNode(isWord, (table |> Map.add c (addWord' tail Leaf)))
| Some (node) -> TrieNode(isWord, (table |> Map.add c (addWord' tail node)))
let chars = word |> Seq.toList
addWord' chars trie
let searchWord (word: string) (trie: Trie) : bool =
let rec searchWord' cs trie =
match cs with
| [] ->
match trie with
| Leaf -> true
| TrieNode (isWord, _) -> isWord
| c :: tail ->
if c = '.' then
match trie with
| Leaf -> false
| TrieNode (_, table) -> Map.exists (fun _ n -> searchWord' tail n) table
match trie with
| Leaf -> false
| TrieNode (_, table) ->
match Map.tryFind c table with
| None -> false
| Some (t) -> searchWord' tail t
let chars = word |> Seq.toList
searchWord' chars trie
let trie =
|> addWord "bad"
|> addWord "dad"
|> addWord "mad"
// false
searchWord "pad" trie