LeetCode 2196. Create Binary Tree From Descriptions in F#
Today's daily problem is difficult to implement in F#. So I challenge another problem
type BinaryTree =
| TreeEnd
| TreeNode of int * BinaryTree * BinaryTree
type GraphNode =
{ Left: Option<int>
Right: Option<int> }
let descriptionsToGraph (descriptions: (int * int * int) list) : Map<int, GraphNode> =
let rec descriptionsToGraph' descs graph =
match descs with
| [] -> graph
| (parent, child, is_left) :: rest ->
match Map.tryFind parent graph with
| Some (n) ->
if is_left = 1 then
descriptionsToGraph' rest (Map.add parent { n with Left = Some(child) } graph)
descriptionsToGraph' rest (Map.add parent { n with Right = Some(child) } graph)
| None ->
if is_left = 1 then
descriptionsToGraph' rest (Map.add parent { Left = Some(child); Right = None } graph)
descriptionsToGraph' rest (Map.add parent { Left = None; Right = Some(child) } graph)
descriptionsToGraph' descriptions Map.empty
let findRoot (graph: Map<int, GraphNode>) : int =
let parents = Map.keys graph |> Set.ofSeq
let children =
|> Map.fold
(fun acc _ { Left = l; Right = r } ->
match l, r with
| None, None -> acc
| Some (a), None -> Set.add a acc
| None, Some (b) -> Set.add b acc
| Some (a), Some (b) -> Set.add a acc |> Set.add b)
Set.difference parents children
|> Set.toList
|> List.head
let createBinaryTree (descriptions: (int * int * int) list) : BinaryTree =
let rec createBinaryTree' root graph =
match Map.tryFind root graph with
| None -> TreeNode(root, TreeEnd, TreeEnd)
| Some ({ Left = l; Right = r }) ->
match l, r with
| None, None -> TreeNode(root, TreeEnd, TreeEnd)
| Some (a), None -> TreeNode(root, createBinaryTree' a graph, TreeEnd)
| None, Some (b) -> TreeNode(root, TreeEnd, createBinaryTree' b graph)
| Some (a), Some (b) -> TreeNode(root, createBinaryTree' a graph, createBinaryTree' b graph)
let graph = descriptionsToGraph descriptions
let root = findRoot graph
createBinaryTree' root graph