LeetCode 2246. Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters in F#
Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters - LeetCode
let parentToGraph (parent: int list) : Map<int, int list> =
let rec parentToGraph' parent acc =
match parent with
| [] -> acc
| (i, node) :: t ->
match Map.tryFind node acc with
| Some(v) -> parentToGraph' t (Map.add node (i :: v) acc)
| None -> parentToGraph' t (Map.add node [ i ] acc)
parentToGraph' (parent |> List.indexed |> List.tail) Map.empty
let longestPath (parent: int list) (s: string) : int =
let rec longestPath' node graph (cs: char[]) acc =
match Map.tryFind node graph with
| None -> 1, acc
| Some(children) ->
let acc', first, second =
|> List.fold
(fun (acc, first, second) child ->
let childLongest, acc' = longestPath' child graph cs acc
if cs.[node] = cs.[child] then acc', first, second
else if childLongest > first then acc', childLongest, first
elif childLongest > second then acc', first, childLongest
else acc', first, second)
(acc, 0, 0)
first + 1, System.Math.Max(acc', first + second + 1)
let graph = parentToGraph parent
longestPath' 0 graph (s |> Seq.toArray) 0 |> snd