LeetCode 2416. Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings in F#
Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings - LeetCode
type Trie = Trie of Map<char, (int * Trie)>
let emptyTrie = Trie(Map.empty)
let trieInsert (s: string) (t: Trie) : Trie =
let rec trieInsert' cs (Trie m) =
match cs with
| [] -> Trie(m)
| h :: t ->
match Map.tryFind h m with
| Some((score, trie)) -> Trie(Map.add h (score + 1, trieInsert' t trie) m)
| None -> Trie(Map.add h (1, trieInsert' t emptyTrie) m)
trieInsert' (Seq.toList s) t
let trieCountScore (s: string) (t: Trie) : int =
let rec trieCountScore' cs (Trie m) acc =
match cs with
| [] -> acc
| h :: t ->
match Map.tryFind h m with
| None -> acc
| Some((score, trie)) -> trieCountScore' t trie (score + acc)
trieCountScore' (Seq.toList s) t 0
let sumPrefixScores (words: string list) : int list =
let trie = words |> List.fold (fun acc word -> trieInsert word acc) emptyTrie
words |> List.map (fun word -> trieCountScore word trie)