LeetCode 2463. Minimum Total Distance Traveled in F#
Minimum Total Distance Traveled - LeetCode
let minimumTotalDistance (robot: int list) (factory: (int * int) list) : int64 =
let rec minimumTotalDistance' robot factory cache =
match robot, factory with
| [], _ -> 0L, cache
| _, [] -> pown 2L 40, cache
| (i, r) :: t1, (j, f) :: t2 ->
match Map.tryFind (i, j) cache with
| Some(v) -> v, cache
| None ->
let v1, cache = minimumTotalDistance' t1 t2 cache
let ret1 = (abs (r - f)) + v1
let ret2, cache = minimumTotalDistance' robot t2 cache
let ret = min ret1 ret2
ret, Map.add (i, j) ret cache
let robot = robot |> List.map int64 |> List.sort |> List.indexed
let factory =
|> List.fold (fun acc (pos, count) -> List.replicate count (int64 pos) @ acc) []
|> List.sort
|> List.indexed
minimumTotalDistance' robot factory Map.empty |> fst