LeetCode 2516. Take K of Each Character From Left and Right in F#
Take K of Each Character From Left and Right - LeetCode
let takeCharacters (s: string) (k: int) : int =
let rec countChars i (cs: char[]) (acc: int[]) =
if i >= cs.Length then
let index = int cs.[i] - int 'a'
acc.[index] <- acc.[index] + 1
countChars (i + 1) cs acc
let isValid (count: int[]) (total: int[]) : bool =
Array.zip total count |> Array.forall (fun (t, c) -> t - c >= k)
let rec adjustWindow (cs: char[]) left right (count: int[]) (total: int[]) =
if left > right || isValid count total then
let index = int cs.[left] - int 'a'
count.[index] <- count.[index] - 1
adjustWindow cs (left + 1) right count total
let rec takeCharacters' (cs: char[]) left right (count: int[]) (total: int[]) acc =
if right >= cs.Length then
cs.Length - acc
let index = int cs.[right] - int 'a'
count.[index] <- count.[index] + 1
let left = adjustWindow cs left right count total
let acc = max acc (right - left + 1)
takeCharacters' cs left (right + 1) count total acc
let cs = Seq.toArray s
let total = countChars 0 cs (Array.zeroCreate 3)
if Array.exists (fun n -> n < k) total then
takeCharacters' cs 0 0 (Array.zeroCreate 3) total 0