LeetCode 2924. Find Champion II in F#
let findChampion (n: int) (edges: (int * int) list) : int =
let rec toGraph edges acc =
match edges with
| [] -> acc
| (s, e) :: t ->
let acc =
match Map.tryFind s acc with
| Some(v) -> Map.add s (e :: v) acc
| None -> Map.add s [ e ] acc
toGraph t acc
let rec dfs node graph cache =
match Map.tryFind node cache with
| Some(v) -> v, cache
| None ->
match Map.tryFind node graph with
| None -> 1, Map.add node 1 cache
| Some(v) ->
let ret, cache =
|> List.fold
(fun (acc, cache) n ->
match Map.tryFind n cache with
| Some _ -> acc, cache
| None ->
let ret, cache = dfs n graph cache
acc + ret, cache)
(1, cache)
ret, Map.add node ret cache
let rec findChampion' i n graph =
if i >= n then
let ret, _ = dfs i graph Map.empty
if ret = n then i else findChampion' (i + 1) n graph
let graph = toGraph edges Map.empty
findChampion' 0 n graph