LeetCode 97. Interleaving String in F#
Interleaving String - LeetCode
let isInterleave (s1: string) (s2: string) (s3: string) : bool =
let rec isInterleave' (i1, cs1) (i2, cs2) (i3, cs3) cache =
match cs3 with
| [] -> List.isEmpty cs1 && List.isEmpty cs2, cache
| h3 :: t3 ->
if Set.contains (i1, i2, i3) cache then
false, cache
match cs1, cs2 with
| [], [] -> false, cache
| h1 :: t1, [] ->
if h1 = h3 then
isInterleave' (i1 + 1, t1) (i2, cs2) (i3 + 1, t3) cache
false, Set.add (i1, i2, i3) cache
| [], h2 :: t2 ->
if h2 = h3 then
isInterleave' (i1, cs1) (i2 + 1, t2) (i3 + 1, t3) cache
false, Set.add (i1, i2, i3) cache
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 ->
let ret1, cache1 =
if h1 = h3 then
isInterleave' (i1 + 1, t1) (i2, cs2) (i3 + 1, t3) cache
false, cache
if ret1 then
true, cache1
else if h2 = h3 then
isInterleave' (i1, cs1) (i2 + 1, t2) (i3 + 1, t3) cache1
false, Set.add (i1, i2, i3) cache1
let cs1, cs2, cs3 = Seq.toList s1, Seq.toList s2, Seq.toList s3
isInterleave' (0, cs1) (0, cs2) (0, cs3) Set.empty |> fst