LeetCode 997. Find the Town Judge in F#
Find the Town Judge - LeetCode
let findJudge (n: int) (trust: (int * int) list) : int =
let rec trustCount trust acc =
match trust with
| [] -> acc
| (_, trusted) :: t ->
match Map.tryFind trusted acc with
| Some(v) -> trustCount t (Map.add trusted (v + 1) acc)
| None -> trustCount t (Map.add trusted 1 acc)
let rec hasTrustPeople trust acc =
match trust with
| [] -> acc
| (people, _) :: t -> hasTrustPeople t (Set.add people acc)
let rec findJudge' count trustPeople ret =
match count with
| [] -> ret
| (trusted, count) :: t ->
if count = n - 1 && (Set.contains trusted trustPeople |> not) then
if ret <> -1 then -1 else findJudge' t trustPeople trusted
findJudge' t trustPeople ret
let count = trustCount trust Map.empty |> Map.toList
let trustPeople = hasTrustPeople trust Set.empty
findJudge' count trustPeople -1